REVO PC – Multichannel power controller

The REVO PC unit is designed to handle applications with many zones. This enhanced unit, thanks to a particular algorithm, minimize your energy costs through the sync function and the power limit for each zone.

  • Each loop’s process information is managed independently
  • Calculation of instant current and RMS Voltage, Current and Power
  • Calculation of load resistance with Heater Break Alarm
  • Modbus Master, Modbus slave, Profilbus DP, ProfiNet, Modbus/TCP, Ethernet IP and other
  • Elimination of power overshoot
  • Power factor close to one due to zero crossing firing
  • REVO-PC keeps your instantaneous power within the limit of your electricity supply contract
  • Prevents increases in energy supply tariffs imposed by your electricity supplier
  • Quick return on your investment.

This powerful unit with its high performance micro can drive simple thyristor unit REVO S. By using the REVO PC, simple thyristor units can be used reducing the overall financial investment.